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When you just need to get a public google sheet as JSON

📖 Table of Contents

⚙️ Install

Install the package locally within you project folder with your package manager:

With npm:

npm install get-google-sheet

With yarn:

yarn add get-google-sheet

With pnpm:

pnpm add get-google-sheet

📖 Usage

  1. Create a Google sheet.
  2. Share the sheet with public viewer access.
  3. Copy the sheet ID from the shared URL and the Sheet name e.g: Scl-AmSE11UHGqOAGs6TmgDpWPm-7Zob9mIb5vq_kb0 and Sheet1.
  4. Perform the request:
import { getGoogleSheet } from "get-google-sheet"; export const SHEET_ID = "SHEET_ID"; export const SHEET_NAME = "SHEET_NAME"; const result = await getGoogleSheet(SHEET_ID, SHEET_NAME); console.log(result);


For all configuration options, please see the API docs.

💬 Contributing

Got an idea for a new feature? Found a bug? Contributions are welcome! Please open up an issue or make a pull request.

🪪 License

MIT © Tiaan du Plessis